Jana, Lymphatic Massage Specialist

Jana, Lymphatic Massage Specialist

Certified Lymphedema Therapist


Jana has been working as a full time massage therapist since 2007 and loves the role that massage therapy plays in helping people.

Prior to starting Lymphessential, Jana spent most of her career in spa settings where she formed a strong connection to oncology massage. In 2010 Jana became a Dr. Vodder certified lymphedema therapist and since then has had a major focus in manual lymphatic drainage and lymphedema management.

Whether you are a lymphedema or lipedema patient, have had lymph node surgery and are at risk of lymphedema, or are someone who enjoys massage therapy as part of their self care – she’s here to help!

If you would like to know more about her, please visit Jana’s website http://www.lymphessential.com.

Jana, Lymphatic Massage Specialist